Because of its main distinctive characteristics: IN-YACHT is integrated, intelligent and interactive. These characteristics are the basis of an efficient, user-friendly and modern platform which will surely reduce problems, misunderstandings between parties and inefficiencies.
Yes, we have developed this software with the aim of simplifying the life of crew members, facilitating yacht management and streamlining information flows. The basis for achieving these goals was to create a digital tool easy to understand and use.
Our IT system combines high performance with effective security mechanisms. The security features can be classified as: authentication (the first level of security), authorisation (the system determines which resources the user can access and how to operate them) and auditing (identification and recognition of possible abuse as well as ensuring the integrity of information).
IN-YACHT doesn’t require compulsory installation on server. In fact, it could also easily work on cloud.
Yes, during the software development phase, we put in a lot of effort in studying how to migrate information from other software to IN-YACHT, with successful results.
No, another plus of the IN-YACHT software is that there is no maximum limit of users.
All upgrades are included in the payment of the In-Yacht annual fee.
We have settled a price list per modules, in order to ensure quality training and an in-depth knowledge about the software.
Yes, on request we can also customize the software.
Yes, the on premises installation allows you to use the software even without an active internet connection.